And I pray that your love may abound more and more.

Philippians 1:9

Paul’s heart for the living and abiding church was such a distinct expression of His life.  Although he greatly cherished the Biblical-theological framework of the church, he truly loved the people of God that comprised the church.  And nowhere is this more visible than in the Philippian letter.  

Paul diligently prayed for his beloved co-laborers in the Philippian church.  His love for them and his genuine desire for God’s best in their lives was unmistakable. He wrote to them,

“I thank my God for you (1:3)"; 

“I joyfully pray for you all with every prayer, because of our partnership in the Gospel from the very beginning (1:4-5).”

He further expressed his endearment by encouraging the Philippian Christians to continue to trust God’s work in their lives, as God would indeed complete what HE had begun in them (1:6).  Paul then continued his written prayer with affection (1:7-8) and scribed out specifics of his intercession that reminded the Philippian church to love well and live well.

That your love may abound more and more (v. 9).  Paul prayerfully encouraged the expressions of love in the Philippian church to grow in spiritual knowledge and insight (or, discernment and all perception).   There was an ongoing schism in this church between two women: Euodia and Syntyche.  This became public, and Paul needed to address these individuals.  But he also needed to instruct the entire church on how to love with discernment between good and evil so that no one would be pulled in to exacerbate this or any other conflict.  So, Paul prayed for the Philippian Christians to recognize that although genuine love is unconditional, genuine love cannot be blind nor misdirected.  True love is spiritually discerning and instructed by God’s truth.  This is reminiscent of Romans 12:9, “let love be without hypocrisy by abhorring what is evil and clinging to what is good.” Also, I Corinthians 13:6 proclaims, “love rejoices with the truth.”  Love always reflects the heart of God.  This was Paul’s point as he encouraged the expression of love that grows in knowledge and insight.  As you love others, especially those closest to you, is it a matter of obligation, or is your desire to truly express the heart of God in all situations?  Are the people in your most immediate proximity loved well by you? 

Discern what is best (v. 10) Paul continued his prayer with focused intercession for what is best (proven as excellent).  Paul not only prayed for their discernment between right and wrong, but also for discernment between good and best.   Morality is good, but Christlikeness is best.  Knowledge is good, but spiritual insight is best.  These are examples of valuing what God has determined as best over our attempts at good things in life.  Paul was not interested in the Philippian church being good at good things, but passionately pursing the heart of Christ in all things.  Is your life primarily characterized by doing good things, or by demonstrating Jesus, His love and His mission to others? Do you love others well by living well? 

To be sincere and blameless (v. 11).  Sincere or pure represents the imagery of a metal refined by fire to remove impurities.  Blameless describes one who has arrived at a destination without stumbling.  So, to be pure and blameless, as Paul prayed, describes one who avoids life’s dangerous distractions (impurities) and does not fall away from the commitment to follow Jesus (our destination and goal).  But notice that Paul prayed this in reference to the “day of Christ.” Having one’s life in a moral and spiritual order is never the end goal, but rather a way of expressing the ultimate goal: honoring Christ with a life acceptable to Him.  In other words, we should live right now in this moment as if we would stand before Christ in the next moment.  This does not ensure salvation, but rather offers our honor and allegiance to Christ as a genuine and personal expression of the gift of His salvation in us.  How readily do you avoid the distractions of life that come against your faith in Jesus? Do you daily live with the goal in mind to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14)?  Is it your desire to live sincere and blameless?  Are you living well in all areas of life?

These three items of prayer demonstrate a heart for Jesus and the Gospel, and a heart for God’s will and purpose in the lives of His people.  Paul truly believed that God would complete and perfect what God had begun in the Philippian Christians (and in you and me).  But Paul also held his friends in Philippi accountable to the responsibility we all have to align our lives daily with Jesus Christ.  So, he prayed that the followers of Jesus would have genuine love that discerns between right and wrong, a desire for what is best without settling for superficial expressions of faith, and a life that desires to be pure and blameless before Christ.  

So today, place yourself as a recipient of this prayer.  Continue to ask God to grow you in these three areas of your life.  Strive to live at this moment like you would stand before Jesus in the next. 

Love well!  Live well!  And may the heart of Christ be your standard.  



Read Philippians 1:8-20 and be encouraged to strive for God’s best in your life.  


April 11 - A Gospel People


April 9, Be Joyful - God is at Work in Your life